Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Jorge Badia Romero? Charlton's Time for Love 47: "Dream Come True"

According to the Grand Comics Database, the cover of the last issue of Charlton's Time for Love, # 47, and the interior story, Dream Come True, are by Jorge Badia Romero. I'm not an expert on the Spanish artists who worked on American and European romance comics from the period (1960s through 70s), but to me I see some elements of this piece that look like either Jose Gonzalez or Enrique Badia Romero. In fact I'm led to suspect that maybe more than one artist contributed to this story. What do you think?

Derek cuts a formal profile but he's also a bit of a smooth talker, albeit a genuine one.

Kathy is apparently easily swayed by a flashy lifestyle and a sprinkling of cash!

Quite good story. I like the resolution to the dilemma. Very nice artwork - intriguing, tantalizing. Jorge Badia Romero - new discovery for me!