Out Of This World Pages

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Latino/Spanish Artists at Charlton: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (3) - For Lovers Only 68

The December 1972 issue of Charlton's For Lovers Only (issue 68) has a beautifully illustrated tale entitled "A One-Sided Affair". Garcia-Lopez's art is fully mature in style, and fortunately the story is not too bad either, simple but okay. Charlton used the splash page from the story for their panel cover, not surprisingly actually, because the artist really knows how to draw a beautiful woman.

As seems rather typical for these late 60s/early 70s romance stories drawn by Latino/Spanish artists, we're not looking so much at lower socioeconomic communities. Although the protagonist, Eve, is a secretary, she works for a firm of architects, and mixes with educated professionals. The scenario is also somewhat realistic and also something you'd expect from a romance tale. The ending is satisfying - our leading lady gets her man, without there being a big fuss made by her girlfriend, with whom her heart throb has been dating for some time in a relationship that wasn't going anywhere. I like the use of the girl's diary again - I'm surprised this was put in For Lovers Only instead of Love Diary. This is just a really nice looking comic, with a great piece of artwork by Mr. Garcia-Lopez. A collection of his Charlton romance stories would make a nice book I think.

Beautiful work, great artist!


  1. Moma mia! How have I missed this artist? You said it best: "Beautiful work. Great artist!" I feel humbled that I didn't know of his work. Thanks for the education!

  2. Actually I learned about Garcia-Lopez on Sequential Crush! Dunno how I missed him either. He did a ton of superhero work for DC.

  3. I love the way this artist captured 70s hair styles. New to me, thanks for the intro!
