Out Of This World Pages

Sunday, May 27, 2012

British Girls' Comics: Diana Annual 1977 - Fabulous Four by Enrique Badia Romero

Last year Out Of This World featured examples of stories and sequential art to be found in the excellent but now extinct British girls' comic, Diana. One of the stories featured in that post was "For Love of Leni", drawn by Enrique Badia Romero, better known for his work on the Modesty Blaise newspaper strip:

That Romero's celebrated style turns up in Diana is interesting in and of itself. I only have a few Diana annuals, none of the weekly comics, but in those annuals there is a regular feature called 'The Fabulous Four', a girls' sci-fi futuristic adventure story. Artistically it is probably the best piece in a book that is generally full of high quality art. Below is the Fabulous Four story from the 1977 Diana Annual - enjoy!

I think we lost a lot when romance comics and these girls' comics went by the wayside. What is interesting also, to me, is that there were comics (and such high quality comics at that), produced for girls in the UK. We'd still have them today if there was a market, but they're gone, presumably because girls stopped buying comics. We've talked about this before, but perhaps somehow the publishers lost their audience by being unable to go with them wherever it was that they went, in terms of what they were looking for in entertainment.


  1. Wow! I really love the coloring on this -- almost has an airbrushed feel to it.

  2. Reminds me of Romero's AXA series.... same settings including the Four girls uniform. Loved the work of Romero, and good to see another series set by his standards. Is there any link where I could learn more about "Fabulous Four" ?

  3. Jacque: I like it too. I wish my scanner didn't pick up on that kind of cross-hatched arrangement of ink dots in the printing though.

    Rafiq: I have not been able to find other information on the Fabulous Four. I do have some more examples, though, so I'll post those on Out Of This World!

  4. The strip also ran in the weekly title Spellbound, but there, the team were called Supercats rather than the Fabulous Four.
