Out Of This World Pages

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Latino/Spanish Artists at Charlton: Luis Avila (3) - Love Diary 53

This next example of Luis Avila's work - "Unfaithful Heart" from Charlton's Love Diary 53 (Feb 1968), really does his talent justice. It's another romance story in which the leading lady is trying to figure out who she really loves. Some of the panels in this one are really quite exquisite. For sure Avila has a certain mental image of the kind of woman he likes to draw, as well as the kind of car - an Alfa Romeo Duetto! He does good kissing scenes and embraces. His characters are stylish dressers, must spend a lot of time and money on hair-dos, and live in stylish apartments or houses. They're not short of a few bucks! They are thoughtful people, wrestling with entry into adulthood proper. They're faced with dilemmas that they don't fully understand at first, but work things through until the truth is revealed.



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